WHY is David Cameron such a big hypocrite?

First he pledged to cut public services, then he changed his mind. Then he was going to raise taxes, now he’s not.

Now he wants to help the poor. How does he plan to do this – or will he have afterthoughts?

He also says that he plans to reduce Britain’s debt.

How does he plan to do this? I’ll tell you what he’ll do, he will tax the working class who are already struggling to make ends meet.

Gordon Brown has increased the minimum hourly rate of pay and Mr Cameron will be wanting to take it off them in tax.

Never mind about the idle rich; he’ll help them as usual.

Tories are never to be trusted. We only had one good Tory Prime Minister and that was Sir Winston Churchill. They will never ever find another one like him.

Just take a look at Thatcher’s run of power. Look at what she did for the miners – making them all redundant and causing mass unemployment.

Mr Brown pledged to help school leavers into jobs or places at college. He promised a payback of the expenses, which he did do.

He has also pledged to get us out of the recession, which he is doing, and pledged to make increases to public services, the NHS, fire service and the police to cut crime and antisocial behaviour, long before Mr Cameron did.

Mr Brown admitted he’d made a few mistakes and he would put them right. I trust him to do exactly as he has pledged.

If you want a winning vote, forget the Tories, Lib Dems and Greens, and vote for Gordon Brown. Trust him to do the right thing.

PETER COLLETT, The Slade, Headington, Oxford