Today me and Grandma took Noah to Little Dudes Disco at Christchurch Hall on Northcourt Road in Abingdon - the theme was space explorers!

We missed the last one so we were really excited about today, although a shame that Daddy was working. He'll definitely want to come to the next one - it was brilliant!

We opted to arrive fashionably late (actually we were battling at home with a bowl of noodles being flung around the room), but we arrived to a full house and the party was about to start.

I was excited to see a 'real disco' with lights and all sorts! Noah instantly headed towards the centre of the dance floor and we bundled our bags and coats into a corner, ready (with our glowing bracelets) for the chaos to begin.

The whole thing was really well organised. It is aimed at over 2's and with Noah being 18 months he was the youngest, but the games were easy for him to join in - walking like a space man and stopping with the music, stopping on different planets and collecting moon rocks.

He also had his face painted like a cat, caught bubbles, danced under a huge parachute and played behind the curtains.

I was exhausted so he must have been.

Highlights included the little girl who dragged him out from behind the curtains to 'do what he was supposed to be doing' at that moment in time, and the huge moon steps that he continued to show off for most of the time we were there.

The tickets cost £6 per 2+ year old, accompanying children under 2 and their parents go free. We paid our 50p's for a very nice cup of tea - all good kiddies events include tea!

So we'll definitely be back next month - 7th March with a theme of people that help us - I think Noah will be going as a police man. What made it extra impressive was that the host remembered each of the children's names, gave them each a turn on the microphone to sing a song, and it wasn't precious - everyone was relaxed and just enjoyed their little ones charging around the universe!