SOME of Britain’s best known DJs have helped an Oxford chef raise thousands of pounds for charity.

Dean Laidler, 29, from Kennington, persuaded international names such as Danny Rampling and Xpress 2 to perform for free to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK.

Mr Laidler, a chef at Green Templeton College in Woodstock Road, Oxford, was diagnosed with the disease in 2005 and has undergone major surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment. He has recovered to the extent he no longer receives treatment.

London superclub Ministry of Sound hosted the event – called DJs vs The Big C – on Sunday.

Last night Mr Laidler, who DJs locally, said the event had raised about £4,500, with about 450 clubbers paying £10 a ticket.

He said: “The DJs were brilliant, and the two rooms which were opened were absolutely heaving.

“Everybody seemed to have a great time.

“All the top Djs we asked performed and they went down a storm.”

He added: “We would have like to raise a little bit more, but it is still a good amount which will make a difference.

Mr Laidler organised the gig after his friend Lisa Dempsey, whom he met through an online support group, died of bowel cancer.

The club agreed to open for free when Mr Laidler and his sister Carla Prosser, an event manager, showed them the big names who had already signed up.

He said: “The whole evening was a fitting tribute. There was a really good atmosphere throughout the rooms.”

Mr Laidler and his brother-in-law Alan Prosser have now released a charity record to help hit the £15,000 fundraising target.

Underground Illusion, released by Southern Lights Records, can be downloaded.

A donation from every copy bought will be given to Bowel Cancer UK.

He said: “The evening has given me the encouragement to press on with the fundraising.

“I am going to keep on raising money and there will be future events. It is a very important charity that relies on donations.

“I am also donating all my future DJing fees to the charity, because I know the difference it makes.

“I am confident of hitting the £15,000 target.”

To download the single, visit and search for Underground Illusion.