WE would urge readers of the Oxford Mail to help us in our endeavours to oppose the Northern Gateway.

This is a plan to build an office and retail park, some of which is on green belt land between the A40 and the A34 near the Wolvercote roundabout.

Both these roads already suffer severe traffic congestion and the roundabout with its six exits, causes long delays – especially at rush hours.

If the plan is sanctioned, there could be an estimated 10,000 more cars per day, which would be catastrophic for road safety, travel times and the quality of air for North Oxford.

At present there are few buses serving this area, so how will future workers get to work if not by car?

The landowners – which include three colleges and Oxford City Council – endorse the plan, despite the fact that the well placed business and science parks just off the ring road at Cowley have vacant floor space and undeveloped land.

This leaves the local residents, tax-paying and land-owning – who were never properly and effectively consulted about the plans – to stand up alone against them.

Some residents have formed themselves into Engage Oxford to campaign against the Northern Gateway. Have we reverted, once again, to divisions between Town and Gown?

Do we need to have outbreaks similar to those of the 13th century to get represented fairly in Oxford?

There is a chance for residents in North Oxford to show solidarity in their opposition to the Northern Gateway proposals, by coming to a procedural meeting with a new planning inspector who will ultimately determine our fate, at the Town Hall on January 11, at 2pm.

J E Rivington Harpes Road Oxford