I WRITE regarding your report on Oxfordshire County Council’s proposed cutbacks to youth services (Oxford Mail, December 22).

I think it’s very short-sighted to cut down on youth centres and clubs.

I genuinely think the cause for a lot of trouble with young people today is the lack of somewhere for them to go.

I am not writing for myself – as I am more pensioners’ club than youth club – but I do think back to when I was 16 after the war, when I joined the Civil Defence Youth Club in St Clement’s, run by the admirable Ivy Perkins.

We had table tennis, swimming sessions, drama, theatre trips, and weekend camps at Wytham and the New Forest. And there was a firm hand from Mrs Perkins to ensure there wasn’t any trouble.

There was no stealing, drunkenness, or foul language, and hundreds of people went on to enjoy good lives – lots of them marrying people they met there. The whole theme was companionship.

I am positive that if there were more youth clubs in every town, the problem of the young having nothing to do would have been solved.

Even a cup of coffee, company, and games like darts and billiards, such as Mrs Perkins organised, would help.

Please do not cut anything that will keep youth off the streets and give them a sense of purpose and direction. It is very backward thinking.

JANE SUMMERS, Upper Road, Kennington, Oxford