A RELIGION is haunting mankind – global warming.

It contains the usual paraphernalia of religion: pantheon, rites, punishments, salvation and mysteries. An eco-theology with ersatz messiah (Obama), high priests (like Gore) and lower order priests (snoopers, police and troops to enforce orthodoxy). The sceptics (heretics) are called ‘deniers’.

‘Warmists’ preach a gospel of neo-Marxist global communion, and seize on dubious science.

Necessary scientific evidence seems largely lacking, but politicians and warmists use any scientists as ideological pawns.

The 20th century was full of such obsessions: Bolshevism, Nazism and Maoism all used arguments based on dubious sources, and all ruled by terror.

Hopefully this letter will provoke discussion and draw attention to the Copenhagen summit (with billions of Euros at stake), and climate change politics.

Copenhagen hoped to introduce climate governance which would lead to global control by a few over the bulk of mankind – the Anglo-American plan for world dominance.

Those who think this will help Africa, think again. Anyone for bio-fuels?

STEPHEN WARD, Tudor Close, Oxford