Gary Webb (The Issue, Oxford Mail, November 30) contradicts himself when saying it is not necessary to keep wardens in sheltered accomodation blocks, then – in a later sentence – saying there is a duty of care to the resident. He is being judge and jury for thousands of residents when saying “that assurance of help, when needed, is provided”. How often have we heard this rhetoric before with broken council promises. As I said at a public meeting on November 17, Oxcrows research and petitions reveal the majority of residents don’t want assurances, they need a real live contact to give them confidence in the system. Mr Webb goes on to say that he is all for saving public money then suggests council visits to each individual to assess their needs. That, Mr Webb, would cost more than a resident warden and would take up councils’ valuable time – which we often hear is scarce. He also suggests those visits would reveal that a lot of people still need wardens. Oxcrow is a charitable organisation that stands up for the public when unfair council decisions are placed on the weak and vulnerable sections of the community. Adrian Taylor, Eynsham