Following my recent letter in the Oxford Mail responding to Adrian Taylor, he embarked on an email exchange with me, on the issue of time for debate, stating that he would “keep an eye and an ear open for any misdemeanor” that I am involved in.

There is, of course, a legitimate debate to be had about the conduct of council meetings, but the issue is one for city residents to decide.

As a Kidlington parish councillor, I would be greatly offended if a resident of Oxford city, or of Eynsham, or of anywhere else outside Kidlington, took it upon themselves to tell me, via the Oxford Mail how the council should conduct its affairs. In the same way, I believe the city council is entitled to the courtesy that those of us who live outside the city should leave it to city residents to pass judgment on their own council.

The kindest thing I can say about the somewhat threatening tone of Mr Taylor’s e-mail is that it appears he is happy to give criticism but cannot take it.

The fact that I happen to disagree with him certainly doesn’t mean I have anything to hide, although he is welcome to look.

In a separate email, Mr Taylor accused me of arrogance. Really? When did he last look in the mirror?

Chris Robins, Foxdown Close, Kidlington