I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Dan Kemp on November 8.

I first met Dan when I went to work for him at his then, small company Timbmet on Cumnor Hill, Oxford.

Myself and five of my brothers worked for Dan in different capacities over the next 27 years. We all found Dan, or ‘the Guvnor’ as he was called by many, to be a very caring, generous and respectful man.

I recall when my children Stacey and Ryan were born, Dan sent generous gifts to them.

Also, when on occasions, tragedy struck my own family, Dan took time out to pay his respects.

Always a modest man, Dan would use his contacts in the trade to help his employees where he could on private purchases such as furniture.

He always took time to talk to his people – they were like his family.

In one instance in the yard Dan overheard a customer talking rudely to yard staff. Dan politely asked the customer to leave and promptly had his account closed. That was Dan Kemp.

Dan built his company, with Rosie’s support, on drive, commitment and never-ending energy which the people who worked for him embraced.

He was a lion in the boardroom but a caring man outside it.

I am sure his superb work ethic has passed on to his son-in-law Simon Fineman and that the company is in capable hands, during what are trying times for everyone.

I am sure Timbmet will still emerge as the number one timber company in the UK.

Dan Kemp wasn't a big man but he stood head and shoulders above everybody in the timber trade in the UK, and indeed worldwide.

God bless Dan Kemp: a truly unique and remarkable man.

Melvin Curtin, Orchard Close, Cassington