The letter-writing campaign by Labour councillors and known Labour activists against the proposed East Oxford Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is at best mischievous and at worst seriously damaging.

It is political opportunism of the most malicious kind which divides communities rather than engaging constructively to deliver a solution which best meets the needs of the residents and businesses in East Oxford.

They admit that the current situation is unacceptable (blocked pavements, poor access for emergency vehicles, high levels of multi-car ownership and commuter parking) but seem to be offering no coherent alternative.

They also conveniently forget to mention that Labour MP Andrew Smith is on record as supporting the pro-CPZ campaign or that Councillor Malik stood on a platform of extending the CPZ in the local county elections earlier this year.

They were nowhere to be seen when the county council consulted extensively on the scheme this year or last.

If they do have ideas to improve the scheme, then they should be lobbying the county council – as local Green councillors are doing.

Working with local residents and businesses, the Greens have already won several concessions and are trying to further reduce pavement parking and address the problem of restricted visitor permits.

It is for the residents to decide whether or not they want the scheme.

Each household has a consultation form to complete. It is the duty of councillors to engage in the political process to get the best deal for the people of East Oxford.

Craig Simmons, Oxford City Councillor, Magdalen Road, Oxford