Sir – As one of the Friends of Cutteslowe Park, I think I should make it clear to Tim Morris and Doug Parr (Letters, November 12) that our problem was to do with lack of consultation rather than explicit opposition to the turbine.

Your other correspondents have presented arguments for and against the siting of a wind turbine in a corner of the park and these are just the arguments that need to be aired. If we are to be friends of the park, we rather hope that those who are thinking of disposing of parkland will be friends to us.

Unfortunately this appears not to be the case — the traffic has been one-way. I suspect that there would be a variety of opinions amongst the friends, but we would have appreciated a well-argued case from the council before a tiny notice was hidden away in a back page of the newspaper.

Please don’t jump to conclusions and assume that we are of one political persuasion or that we are nimbies. We all want sustainable energy, but that doesn’t excuse the way we’ve been treated.

Don Manley, Oxford