DOG mess in Cowley has now reached “epidemic” levels and is destroying people’s enjoyment of parks, a city councillor says.

Bob Timbs accused dog owners in the Horspath Road area of showing a complete lack of respect for the community – and urged them to take more responsibility.

He said dog mess could cause eye disorders, dizziness, nausea, asthma and epileptic fits in young children if accidentally digested.

Mr Timbs, executive board member for parks, issued the warning as part of the Cleaner, Greener Oxford campaign, launched by the city council and the Oxford Mail with the aim of clearing up the city’s litter-strewn streets and public spaces.

He said: “It is absolutely disgusting around here, especially in Hollow Way Recreation Ground.

“I have never seen so much dog mess.

“It really is reaching epidemic levels and something needs to be done.

“This is a lovely green area for the community to use but people are increasingly being put off because there is so much dog mess. It is totally inconsiderate.”

Cllr Timbs said toxocariasis, caused by a parasite that can live in dog mess, was a very real danger.

He said: “Not only is letting your dog foul the streets and parks highly antisocial, it could also be dangerous.

“Somebody, especially a young child, could get sick.

“There is absolutely no excuse. There are bins everywhere, and if you own a dog then you have to accept that clearing up is part and parcel of your responsibility.”

On Monday, the Oxford Mail revealed posters of dog mess were being put up on city estates urging dog owners to stop letting their pets foul in children’s play areas.

Anyone caught letting their dog foul in a public place can be fined £80 on the spot.

Trish Stevens, of Horspath Road, sits on the Horspath Area Residents and Tenants Association (Hart).

She said: “I have lived here for 45 years and the problem has got so much worse.

“It is revolting and I have tried to highlight it on many occasions. I walk my two dogs every day and clean up after them.

“Bags cost about £1 for 50 so there is no excuse. Something has to change, because at the moment it is horrible around here.”

Neighbour Gwen Matthews has lived in Horspath Road for 47 years.

She said: “Little children walking to school step in the mess every day, and it also gets stuck on pushchair wheels and taken into the houses.

“I don’t understand what goes through somebody’s head when they just leave the mess in a park.

“They should show more respect.”