I WAS most interested in Mr John Wilson’s letter (Oxford Mail, October 27), more so in his statement that this country has not declared war on Afghanistan. He is probably correct that this war is illegal, but countless other wars are in the same boat.

No nation appears to be doing things by the book any more.

That may be one reason may be why this Government is trying to run this war on a shoestring with poor equipment, scarcity of replacement parts, and not much backup of anything else.

When we watch the news on TV and read the newspapers, all we see are troops with rifles, machine guns, mortars and rocket launchers. Where are the big guns of the artillery? Why are only helicopters seen in the sky? Why are there no RAF bombers?

It has been said that this ‘conflict’ could go on for another five years. It also appears that more and more troops are killed or injured by ‘home-made’ roadside bombs than are actually in combat at the time.

Could not the powers that be re-introduce an updated flail tank, similar to those that were used in WWII (pictured left), where some Sherman tanks were fitted with a revolving tube and large chains beat the ground to explode any hidden mines and other explosive devices. A modern updated version could be tried, these tanks could clear a lane 10 feet wide. One fault, though, is that they are rather slow. Failing that, why cannot the RAF shoot up or bomb the suspect area? Surely to save our troops anything is worth a try.

ROY THOMAS, Woodlands Park, Radley