SO, the last months of this Labour government are not going to see any answer to Oxford's housing crisis. All their talk of mass house-building beyond Grenoble Road has proven as empty as every other New Labour pledge.

Some parties like preparing for government, Labour now prefers to prepare for opposition. There's no more fight in their bellies. But for those of us who believe the problem's too big and the solution too important, we can't just walk away from Oxford's housing crisis.

We have to tackle this. Labour has let us down our city over Grenoble Road, so we need to get to work on other sites, like the much-needed regeneration of Barton.

Your paper says Barton too has been put on hold.

On the contrary, as far as I'm concerned, it's time to press fast-forward on this project. It will help improve the estate further and provide up to 1,000 new homes to help some of those many local families in dire housing need. Labour might just want to crawl away and die, but I and my colleagues are going to be fighting to make this opportunity a reality.

Cllr Patrick Murray, Lib Dem Housing Spokesman, Barton & Sandhills Ward