WITNEY’S first film festival proved such a success it could become an annual event.

The Corn Exchange in Market Square was packed for the screening of 15 short films by local movie makers.

The event was organised by Witney graduate Daniel Newton and his girlfriend Jennifer Learney to showcase local talent.

Mr Newton, 21, said: “The turnout was so much better than I thought it would be. I have had some really nice emails from people.”

Mr Newton, of Burwell Drive, came up with the idea after missing the screening of his final year film when he graduated in the summer from Southampton Solent University with a BA in film studies.

Miss Learney, 22, of Deer Park Road, suggested trying to get the 10-minute film Afterthoughts shown in Witney – and the idea took off.

Mr Newton, whose film was screened first at the event last week, now hopes the free festival will turn into an annual event.

He said: “Quite a few people want it to happen again. The perfect plan would be to have it in more than one venue, and spread over more than one night.”

For more information, email witneyfilmfestival@googlemail.com