GRAPHIC posters of dog mess are being put up on city estates in a bid to stop dog owners letting their pets foul in children’s play areas.

The posters are being pasted up by police community support officers in Barton and Risinghurst following complaints from residents.

Barton PCSO Rachel Cooper, who is leading the initiative, said dog fouling was a major problem, particularly in the nature reserve off Netherwood Road, the recreation area off Waynflete Road and at other playgrounds.

Last night residents agreed dog fouling was unacceptable and needed to be tackled.

Bokul Ali, 32, of Cranley Road, who has two children, Rezwanah, three, and Alquy-yum, 11, said he and his daughter had stepped in dog mess on more than one occasion.

He said: “People need some sort of awareness because there is a lot of poo about, there is no doubt about it.

“I think this poster would stop some people at least, although I don’t think it would stop everybody.

“In some of the play areas, there are no barriers around where the kids play so people walk through with their dogs. It’s a bit disgusting.”

Mother-of-three Jane Jones, 43, who lives in Barton, said she always picked up after her two dogs but not everyone shared her example.

She said: “I think these posters should help. It’s dreadful everywhere you go in Barton, it’s just dirty.”

Anyone caught letting their dog foul in a public place can be fined £80 on the spot.

Sharna Stimpson, 19, from Cowley, said she believed fines were a better way of tackling the issue.

She said: “With these posters, I think all you will see is teenage boys ripping them down.”

PCSO Cooper said the posters were deliberately graphic and hard-hitting.

She said: “There are lots of children and families in the area and a lot of people who own dogs. The posters may be a bit graphic and hopefully hard-hitting, but we don’t want the children playing around in areas where there is lots of dog mess.”

The posters, which arrived on the estate this week, have already been put up in the nature reserve which is popular with dog walkers. Do you know any areas where dog mess is a big problem? Call the newsdesk on 01865 425500.