Distraction burglars targeted an elderly couple in Milton-under-Wychwood yesterday by masquerading as Thames Water staff.

Three men called at the home of the pensioners in Frog Lane and told them there was a mains leak in the area.

The burglars were invited into the home of the 88-year-old man and his 89-year-old wife at about 1pm, after telling them that they needed to switch their water supply off.

Chris Kearney, a spokesman for Thames Valley Police, said the burglary was discovered later in the day after a neighbour found the woman’s handbag nearby, with £45 missing.

One man was in his 60s, while the other two were aged 25 to 30. One of the younger men had a speech impediment.

Mr Kearney said: “The couple were not hurt, and at the moment we are not connecting this burglary with any other incidents.

“Thames Water contacted us to alert us, and we are appealing for information.

Joyce Mollart, who is in her 80s and lives in Frog Lane, said the burglars did not call at her home.

She added: “This is a sleepy lane and nothing like this ever seems to happen — I hope this is a one-off.”

If you have any information call police on 08458 505505.