COUNCILLOR PATRICK MURRAY is in cloud-cuckoo-land if he thinks that the new pool and proposed gym in Barton is all due to local people getting together and campaigning for years for these facilities (Oxford Mail, October 27).

People in other areas of Oxford had also campaigned vigorously over the past few years for better amenities and lobbied councillors to keep open existing facilities which were threatened with closure.

Before the last council elections, glib promises were made by councillors, backed by their party, only to be discarded soon after the election was over. This hastened the premature closure of these leisure facilities.

One has only to glance at the figures returned at the council elections at Barton and you will find the answer.

Barton’s success is at the expense of other areas. There is no denying that these leisure activities are much-needed, but why hide the truth?

The money to build, equip and maintain the pool and gym’ comes out from a limited budget. It is a case of rob Peter to pay Paul.

V RODRIGO, Rivermead Road, Rose Hill, Oxford