Sir – I wholeheartedly support Graham Jones’ view that the closure by Oxford City Council of many public toilets in Oxford is unacceptable (Letters, October 22).

It seems likely that even Labour city councillor John Tanner knows that intense physical suffering can be experienced by anyone unable to use a toilet in an emergency. This suffering is obviously more likely in the elderly.

To be faced with the choice of bearing the discomfort, committing an offence, or wearing soiled clothing for the rest of the day, is not pleasant. To add insult to injury, the council also proposes charging those of us who use the toilets.

Having hurt the elderly, this further measure is harsh on the poor and homeless, whose numbers these days are not small.

It may seem a pittance to most of us, but those living from hand to mouth, who nevertheless try to live respectable lives, will thus suffer too.

The principle that society should provide free the basic facilities for people travelling, visiting or just shopping is being grossly overridden.

And to spend £300,000 on luxury facilities when money is short, is obscene.

It seems that Labour is intent on losing the next election by as large a majority as possible.

Socialism purports to care for the weak and disadvantaged people in society, but the actions of our council show how hollow for them this principle is.

Ken Weavers, Headington