I READ with disgust that £300,000 of council taxpayers' money (our money), has been spent on reducing speed limits on Oxford’s residential roads to 20mph.

I have driven in Oxford and would be hard pushed to exceed this speed anyway on residential roads, limit or no limit.

Meanwhile over in Abingdon, two school pupils have been killed over the last couple of years in collisions with buses and what does the council do about this? Nothing!

School pupils are now reluctant to cycle to school and thus get in their parents’ cars where they feel safer.

The sad fact is that ignoring good sense and evidence, the Council is adding to its long history of wasting money on pet schemes (usually in Oxford) at the expense of genuine road safety.

The comments of Councillor Rose (Cabinet Member for Transport) are typical in defending their latest hare-brained scheme.

If he wants to make a genuine effort to improve road safety; he could look at Abingdon and make the school journey safer for pupils who cycle. If he has the humility to accept help, I am sure he will get it.

JOHN OWEN, Ravensmead, Chinnor