IT SEEMS Oxford City Council has to make some savings somewhere and I suggest that they axe the Jamie Murray playground revamps.

This summer there was a consultation in Iffley Fields about a proposal to change the layout of the perfectly adequate play area by adding extra equipment and planting a new hedge to make the existing playground much larger.

This would result in the large grass area becoming smaller and less accessible to dog walkers and many residents are not particularly keen on the idea.

The grassy field is very well used for picnics, football and children running around so it seems quite pointless to try and change the layout.

A lot of parents felt that it was unnecessary expenditure as the play area in Iffley fields is extremely well liked exactly as it is.

It was very honest of John Tanner to admit cuts need to be made. I am sure that not a single child in the whole of Oxford is dissatisfied with their current play areas.

It is time to adopt a back to basics approach to play areas: a swing, a slide, a roundabout and a seesaw and some tidily cut grass is more than adequate for children to have fun.

Children use their imagination and are able to play and have fun without the need for unnecessary extravagance.

SUSAN THOMAS, Magdalen Road, Oxford