BY believing the proposed public toilet closures to be the right decision John Tanner in The Issue (October 22) has got the wrong idea about what the Oxford folk really want and at the same time contradicts himself in the same paper a few pages earlier.

He states that the City council is very short of cash while he must be aware of the council’s decision to set aside £2.14 million for improvements to leisure facilities at various locations around Oxford.

That is all very nice when there is not a shortage of funds and the majority of folk don't have to lose some facility to boot.

I have to take issue with Mr Tanner when he says they consulted hundreds of people before a decision was made.

I personally ran a survey over the internet and out on the street asking thousands of folk if they wanted toilets closed.

The results were a massive 81% against closures, with 73% saying there were not enough clean toilets around the city at present.

It’s all very well using businesses to provide toilet facilities, but how long will that last if numerous folk use them and custom decreases by genuine customers who have to queue for the loo or find them not as clean as they were.

Businesses are not going to employ extra cleaning staff just to keep John Tanner happy.

Adrian Taylor, Eynsham