HIGHWAYS bosses are prepared to look at finally building a full junction on the A34 north of Abingdon.

Motorists, residents and councillors are fighting to replace the current interchange at Lodge Hill – which only allows traffic to join the northbound carriageway or southbound traffic to exit the A34.

Campaigners want two extra sliproads built, allowing traffic to join and leave both carriageways of the busy route.

They claim traffic from the north of Abingdon causes unnecessary extra congestion because drivers have to go through the town to get to the Marcham interchange further south.

Until now, the Highways Agency, which has responsibility for the road, has said it would not look at the idea as it feared it would increase traffic.

But last night a spokesman revealed the agency could reconsider its objections.

Peter O’Connor, a spokesman for the Highways Agency, said: “I can confirm we have agreed that Oxfordshire County Council will be allowed to include changes to the junction at Lodge Hill in its central Oxfordshire traffic model as part of the Access to Oxfordshire Project. We’re always open to consider any changes or improvements to the road network and we expect to hear from the county council later in the year.”

Last week, Vale of White Horse district councillor Janet Morgan formed a pressure group and launched a petition calling for an improved interchange.

Mrs Morgan was delighted with the response and is hopeful the Highways Agency’s change will lead to the new junction.

She said: “Since I launched the petition I have been inundated with people who want to sign.

“We’ve had about 180 signatures in one week.

“It’s not just about having less traffic in the town.

“It would also make the place safer and reduce air and noise pollution.

“The Highways Agency’s initial argument about why it wasn’t possible was because the scheme would add more traffic to the A34.

“But there is a ring road around the town which people use to get about so it wouldn’t be a problem.

“Now the door has been opened ajar, it’s time the county council pushed it wide open.”

Oxford West and Abingdon MP Dr Evan Harris said it was time improvements were made to the A34.

He added: “The people of Abingdon have had to put up with problems on the A34 for too long.

“The reality is a new interchange would be relatively cheap.”

County councillor Ian Hudspeth, the cabinet member for transport, said: “We’re in the middle of conducting a report into traffic in Abingdon “We hope that now the Highways Agency has said it will consider looking at an interchange the report will convince them to do so.”

No date has been set for the completion of the county’s traffic report.