HOW Gabriella Edmondson must wish she could turn the clock back to before the act of drink-fuelled bravado that led to her friend Grace Hadman’s death.

According to the prosecution, the 18-year-old was clearly drunk and refused to heed the advice of friends who said she should not drive.

Her response to their pleas was shocking: “My car, my rules”, she is reported to have said.

The results of such an attitude were laid bare on the A34 that night in April: Grace Hadman dead and Joe Robinson critically injured.

A judge will deal with Edmondson as he or she sees fit and the sentence is a matter for the court.

But the result we can only wish for is that all teenagers learn from Edmondson’s stupidity. Sadly some will ignore it because of the arrogance of youth.

Edmondson deserves credit for pleading guilty at the first opportunity and we hope she is now a different girl from the one who made such a dangerous choice on April 7.

However that change is too late for Grace, and our thoughts remain with her family.

Whatever sentence is passed, Gabriella Edmondson’s true punishment — that she killed a friend — will stay with her for the rest of her life.