I would like to express my gratitude to Oxfordshire County Council for removing St Christopher’s Primary School from any proposals in relation to a new academy in Oxford.

This news was timely welcomed on the first day of the new term.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of parents and members of the wider community, common sense has eventually prevailed.

With renewed vigour, every effort can now be directed at raising the standards of education at our school.

I was amazed, however, to arrive at school and be confronted by Andrew Smith MP and Councillor Malik shamelessly distributing what I perceive to be a very patronising letter of congratulations, with a belated expression of support for our school’s plight. Mr Smith made no attempt whatsoever to apologise for his absence of public support throughout the duration of the schools campaign.

Further to this, he alleged that a flyer pledging his support was distributed in the local area. However, neither myself, my neighbours or parents in neighbouring streets received such acknowledgment.

Mr Smith’s presence at the school was nothing but a disgraceful attempt to hijack the success of the campaign from those who have genuinely contributed so much, and demonstrates further a shameless lack of integrity from those entrusted to represent our community.

With an election looming, I’m left to question Mr Smith’s morality over reaping the successful efforts of others in his pursuit to gain political ground.

Too little, too late Mr Smith!

Rachael Price Owens Way Oxford