TEN months ago, Benson announced it would hold no more Remembrance Sunday parades.

It was a surprise, yet almost immediately volunteers offered to step into the breach and the parades were saved.

Yesterday, Benson again showed how deeply it cares for and respects our service personnel with more than 1,000 people turning out for a parade by personnel from its RAF base.

It continues to pleasantly surprise how the general public shows its affection for the military despite the controversy over our engagements in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Today is, of course, the eighth anniversary of 9/11, the trigger point for the current military action and a day that truly changed the world.

It set off a course of events that saw these air personnel give six years of service in Baghdad and Basra.

Yet the turnout clearly touched a nerve with these men and women. Sqn Ldr Mark Biggadike and Junior Technician Alison Riley both admitted to a lump in the throat and glassy eyes.

That just demonstrates the deep connection between RAF Benson and its home village.