OXFORD’s Lord Mayor Mary Clarkson has launched the city’s annual sleep-out for the homeless — but admitted the cold might put her off taking part.

More than 100 people are expected to brave the weather on Saturday, November 14, and help raise money for local charities that work with homeless people.

Mrs Clarkson helped to launch the event in Bonn Square in the city centre on Tuesday.

She said: “I know previous Lord Mayors have taken part in the sleep-out, but I’m undecided at the moment — I don’t even like camping.”

People can donate £20 even if they do not take part in the sleep-out and Mrs Clarkson added: “It seems a bit of a cheek to just pay £20 to sleep in your own bed, but every little bit helps this good cause.

“It’s going to be cold in November and at the moment I’m dithering about it.”

The Oxford Sleep-Out was launched in 1995, and over the past 13 years has raised over £200,000, which has been divided between local charities to help their work with homeless people, providing shelter and housing advice.

This year’s sleep-out is being held in St Clement’s churchyard in Marston Road.

Lesley Dewhurst, director of the Night Shelter, said: “It’s not easy to sleep out all night so we really appreciate the efforts people go to. The sleep-out is a great way of making people aware of homelessness issues in the city, and raises important funds for homelessness agencies in Oxford.

“For young people in particular, this is a great way of making them aware of the issues that homeless people face on a day-to-day basis.

“Even if people cannot make it along on the night they can pay £20 to sleep in their own bed.

“We would urge them to sign up because the money is well used by the participating agencies.”

To donate to the Oxford Sleep-out, send your cheques to The Oxford Sleep Out, c/o The Oxford Night Shelter, PO Box 177, Luther Street, Oxford, OX1 1SF.

affrench@oxfordmail.co.uk You can also donate via the Just Giving website justgiving.com/oxford-sleep-out.

To find out more, visit oxfordsleepout.moonfruit.com or email victoriasleepout@gmail.com