OUTSTANDING — that is the verdict on Bartholomew School in Eynsham from school inspectors Ofsted.

The school, which teaches nearly 1,000 pupils, is only the fourth Oxfordshire secondary school to achieve Ofsted’s highest rating.

In a letter to students, inspector Ken Bush said he was extremely impressed by the pride pupils had in their school, and that children reached exceptionally high standards.

Personal development and leadership were also noted as outstanding.

Andrew Hamilton, headteacher at Bartholomew School since 2005, said: “We have officially been recognised for what we know we have been doing for a while.

“Since our last inspection, we have improved pastoral care, leadership and management.

“It means we are providing an outstanding education for all the children.”

The other schools to achieve the top rating were the Cherwell School, in Oxford, Faringdon Community College, and Langtree School in Woodcote, near Reading.

Bartholomew School was the only West Oxfordshire secondary to be graded outstanding.

Mr Hamilton said: “What this means for the future is that people will want to work in an outstanding school, and people will want to come to the school.”