A NEW cookbook featuring recipes written, chosen and cooked by schoolchildren has been launched.

Burford Primary School’s Cook Book includes a foreword written by top chef Raymond Blanc.

Each of the school’s 110 pupils contributed a recipe of their choice — which they had to cook themselves and bring to a panel of taste testers at the school before it got the thumbs up to go into the book.

In his foreword Mr Blanc, who runs the Michelin-starred Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons in Great Milton, near Thame, said: “Getting each of the children to choose a favourite dish and then prepare it is exactly the right way to involve them in learning about food.

“As they look at their ingredients, they will be stimulated to wonder where they have come from.

“This hands-on experience at this early age is the very best way to assure that children become enlightened adult consumers.”

The cookbook goes on sale tomorrow at the school fete and is available from the school, the Red Lion Book Shop in Burford, Burford News and Burford Garden Centre.

The cook book was produced as part of a topic on food.

Editor, school governor and parent Nicolette Craig said: “Initially, it was going to be a little project, but it turned into this huge thing.

“Every single child has got a recipe in the book and some of them are brilliant — although obviously you can see maybe the parents gave them a little bit of help.”

The recipes are divided into seven different sections: Revolting recipes; British; Celebrations; Desserts; Organic; Historic and Round the World.

Mrs Craig said the recipes represented a diverse selection of different cuisines, with everything from Thai green curry to Russian cabbage included.

Headteacher Ellie Stacey added: “It has been a great experience for us.

“Not only did it generate a lot of enthusiasm for our food topic, but it also engaged our families a lot.”

fbardsley@oxfordmail.co.uk The book costs £10. For more information, call the school on 01993 822159.