Sir – Much as I endorse Julian le Vay's commendation of the improved towpath north of Osney Bridge off Botley road, (letter, June 25) as well as Christopher Gray’s recent coverage, however: Eyes to the left, the sun is setting in the West — tranquillity Eyes to the right — graffitti!

What a sorry sight along this much used stretch of river; it does no favours, giving the wrong impression of the area, as well as garden walls defaced.

Foresight was missing when Councillor Susannah Pressel first instigated Oxpens students to practise their skill? many years ago. As the artistes Sweet F A would say: “Is it art?”

In the meantime, it has expanded into an eyesore, an open sesame for all.

Time some money was spent eradicating and stopping this vandalism permanently for the benefit of all.

Patricia Jones Oxford