YVONNE Bishop has clocked up a decade of helping children safely to school.

Mrs Bishop, right, from Sandy Lane in Yarnton, is one of 22 people honoured by Oxfordshire County Council for never missing a day during their years of service as lollipop men and women.

The 58-year-old, who has spent 10 years at Yarnton Primary School, said: “It seems like a long time when you’re stood out in all weathers, but I do it because I love it.”

Mrs Bishop decided to become a lollipop lady after the previous warden moved away.

Steve Howell, head of transport at Oxfordshire County Council, said the certificates were to: “Say a public thank-you on behalf of the communities, for the first class service they have provided.”

The presentation coincided with Child Safety Week, which promotes safer living for children within the community.