AN Oxfordshire school last night confirmed a pupil had tested positive for swine flu.

But Wood Green School in Witney, announced on its website that it would not be closing as the pupil did not attend classes while ill.

In a letter to parents, headteacher Cynthia Savage said: “You will, naturally, be concerned.

“Experts from the Health Protection Agency have advised us as the pupil did not attend school while ill, and is being treated at home, no further action is necessary at the school itself and there is no danger of wider infection within the school.

“There is no suggestion of any of our other pupils, or the staff, being infected.”

Another Oxfordshire case was also confirmed on Thursday.

Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust would not release details for reasons of patient confidentiality, but confirmed it is a child. All close contacts of both patients are being monitored.

The latest two cases brings the total number of Oxfordshire cases to 15, out of a UK total of 1,984. The PCT said an incorrect figure was previously published because a patient’s address had been wrongly recorded.