YOUNG leukaemia sufferer Jacob Goves has always wanted to meet his Disney hero Buzz Lightyear – and three cyclists have set off on their bikes to make his wish come true.

On Friday, friends and family of four-year-old Jacob waved goodbye to Richard Howe, 55, from Aston, near Witney, John Smith, 54, of Bampton, and Stuart Jackson, 51, of Cold Aston, Gloucestershire, as they set off to cycle more than 250 miles from Bampton to Paris.

The three Burford and Windrush Valley Rotarians are aiming to raise enough money to send Jacob to Disneyland, Paris, to meet the little boy’s favourite Toy Story character.

They have already raised £4,500, which will be donated to the Starlight Children’s Foundation to help grant Jacob’s and other sick children’s wishes.

Jacob’s mother Sarah Radband, 24, of Bampton, said: “I think it’s absolutely fantastic that people do think of the children that are ill. They are considering Jacob’s wish, but they’re also going to be granting other children’s wishes, which could be their last wish.

“This has made the village very aware that it’s serious and children are dying from leukaemia.”

Jacob, who attends to Bampton Pre-School, was diagnosed with the disease in October 2007.

Although he is in remission, he still has chemotherapy at Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital once a month.

Jacob will set off for Disneyland on Monday with his mum, dad, Darren Goves, 38, and sister Tiana, 21 months.