HAVING not been part of the political scene in Oxford for over a year and as my old party were not standing any candidates, Thursday’s elections were going to be somewhat difficult.

However, thanks to our local county council candidates, the decision as to who to vote for was made amazingly easy.

Would you not have thought that with the political goings on in Westminster at the moment that those people putting themselves forward for the position of councillor would have made the effort to at least walk the streets in their respective wards and introduce themselves to those they wished to represent, and those very same people who would empower them?

What is wrong with the politicians of today?

Sitting on parish councils doing nothing is not enough! Get out there, meet the people – you could even try dirtying your hands with some local issues before the event.

Get your priorities in order, who or what is it that is most important to you, the electorate or your own over inflated egos?

Don’t get me wrong I have some admiration for them, after all it is a very thankless and time consuming task, but this lazy attitude really does annoy me.

My decision was to vote for no body as was that of my entire family, and if there were true democracy in this country of ours then no one would have been sworn in to office as those who chose the ‘none of them represent me’ box on the election form would have been the majority.

I understand that some people are too ignorant or just too damn stupid to vote, but there are a lot of similarly minded people as myself out there, so politicians of Oxford the question is what are you going to do to persuade us to vote?

LEE COLE, Oxford