Regarding the engaging letter by Val Faulkner (Oxford Mail, June 1) who touched on two points: my picture of Leafield Church – indeed such a contrast to the current hot topic of the MPs expenses scandal.

Britain’s rich architectural heritage is all around us and is unquestionably something we can be proud of – ramblers, cyclists and tourists all seek solace in our wonderful countryside and architecture which ultimately stimulates the soul.

The public’s soul however, has taken a battering with constant media coverage of the MPs’ expenses scandal – which has angered the general public and left us all shaking our heads in total disbelief.

Our gravy train-riding MPs have helped themselves to a bigger slice of the cake for far too long – thus milking the system for all it’s worth.

It is sad that greed has become king but there’s enough meat on the hog for Joe Public too.

Consequently Joe Public has been stoical in weathering the financial downturn, while MPs have lived high on the hog!

Nevertheless, you can’t tar everyone with the same brush and the upshot is there are MPs with integrity and decency – decency and integrity are obvious prerequisites in any new Labour Government, which is above all teetering on reform after a recent pool of resignations – alternative parties are also rising to the fore (UKIP etc) – and Mr Brown needs to get a grip or his days may be numbered.

DAVID TINSON, Moorland Road, Witney