MODEL T Ford owners from across the UK parked in Oxford’s Radcliffe Square for the Oxford Dreaming Spires rally.

About 45 owners of the historic cars, which were made between 1908 and 1927, drove into the city centre on Saturday.

They were invited to take part in the rally by Alex Taylor, 57, from Drayton near Abingdon.

Mr Taylor is a member of the Model T Ford Register of Great Britain, which stages rallies across the country.

He owns a 1922 centre-door sedan, which he bought on eBay for £9,250.

He said: “The Model T Ford was one of the first mass-produced cars. The great thing is that you can still get all the parts you need for them today.

“As part of the rally we have been touring the Cotswolds and the Berkshire Downs and staying in a hotel in Faringdon. You can get up to about 40mph in a Model T Ford, so you need to stay off the busy roads.

“People have come from as far away as Devon, Cumbria and Cheshire for this rally.”

Grace and Joshua Levasier, from Cutteslowe, Oxford, were among those who enjoyed a close-up view of the cars.

John Pauling, 58, from Picton, New Zealand, is on holiday in the UK and visited Radcliffe Square with his wife Lyn.

He owns a Model T Ford and found out about the rally on a website.

He said: “It’s great to be in Oxford for the first time and see all these Model T Fords.”