WHEN the dust has settled from the scandal of MPs’ expenses, perhaps Parliament can then address the needs of the many people out there who are suffering from their own financial crisis.

Many people who have worked all their lives are suddenly finding themselves facing redundancy but then find that having paid National Insurance all those years they are finding themselves on a flat rate benefit payment which in most cases will not even come near to meeting the costs of mortgages incurred and the potential loss of the home.

Benefits in this country should be geared to the money that has been paid in by these people to provide a cushion until they find work.

Having worked all their lives they are not likely to delay in trying to get themselves back into work and paying taxes as before.

It’s a good enough system for the French and Germans and, as Brussels seems to enjoy making the British participate in all their other schemes, why should it be any difference in this country?

While about it, the Government should also review the levels of personal savings allowed to be disregarded if benefit is payable. Those sums were set I think over 30 years ago, maybe 40. The value of sums has diminished mightily in that time.

CHRIS PAYNE, Turnpike Road, Bicester