FIVE volunteers who have sold poppies in an Oxfordshire village for a total of nearly 200 years have been recognised for their efforts.

Kidlington pensioners Stan and Ilma White, June O’Leary, Margaret Williamson and Peggy Harwood have clocked up thousands of miles on their rouns in aid of the British Legion’s annual appeal.

The five were among 27 volunteers who were given medals for at least 10 years’ service in Kidlington at the end of last month.

Four of the five have been collecting for more than 40 years, while the other – Mrs White – has been involved with the appeal for 35.

Mr White, 76, a grandfather-of-three and great-grandfather-of-one, has collected for the appeal for 41 years.

He said: “It’s very nice to get the award. I think it’s nice to be recognised if you put the hard work in.

“I started doing it when I was 36. Myself and a lot of my family were ex-servicemen — so you want to do your bit.

“I’m not as good on my feet anymore, but I help my wife with her round now and I’ll carry on doing it for as long as I can.”

Mr White, chairman of the Kidlington Royal British Legion branch, said support for the appeal had not waned in the five decades he had served.

He said: “I always ask people to give what they can give. You don’t sell a poppy, you ask for a donation.

“Quite a few people will come up and put a £20 note in your box. It’s surprising in this day and age, when people are talking about the credit crunch, people still find time and money for something like this. It makes it all worthwhile.

“A couple of years ago a little boy wanted to give all his pocket money to get a poppy. He handed me about £25 – it was very touching.”

Ms Harwood, 79, of Foxdown Close, said she found fundraising for the legion over the last four decades very rewarding.

She said: “The donations always go up each year. Last year I remember some of the elderly people were prepared to give more because we were still fighting and there were a lot of wounded to care for.”

Ms O’Leary, 74, of Wise Avenue, added: “I love it when little children come up to me and ask what I’m collecting for. When I explain they ask if they can put their pennies in the pot – it’s wonderful.”