STEVE Smith’s letter on the suject of the new probabtion centre (Oxford Mail, April 8) suggests he has not attended any of the meetings of local residents and does not have a grasp of any of the issues involved in creating the centre.

Certainly, his opinions are not representative of the residents of the local area.

By combining the regional probation centres into one mega-centre will significantly increase the number of people and traffic in the area – regardless of other potential problems and issues that may be caused by this relocation.

It appears that Mr Smith is quite happy to accept the views of the probation service, which wishes to consult with the community after it has signed the lease and implemented its plans.

I was under the assumption we lived in a democracy.

Finally may I say thank you to Lord Mayor of Oxford, Susanna Pressel for her help on this issue.

I would urge Mr Smith to come to the next meeting so that he may understand why the majority of neighbours are against this proposal.

PAUL LANDUCCI, Barrett Street, Oxford