IT is the end of a week of turmoil for workers at BMW in Cowley.

Hundreds are on Monday expected to learn of their fate when they arrive at the plant.

Many will have already be fearing the worse.

Union leaders have come under fire for, in the view of many members, failing to rally behind staff.

Today Unite’s Tony Woodley aims to set the record straight, but many will suggest it is too little, too late.

Meanwhile, what will be even more galling are today’s revelations about BMW agency workers in Germany.

An agency worker in the factory in Leipzig could not be axed without a 90-day consultation period.

Then the agency would be required to give four weeks notice before entering into negotiations over redundancy pay.

No such assurances were offered at Cowley and yet we are all supposed to be in one European Union.

The disparity is there for all to see. The UK Government is expected to make changes to working laws - and not before time.

It will, however, be too late for many Cowley workers.