At this time of year pupils all across the country, having taken their mocks, are planning their revision for the real thing in the summer term.

With all the attention on exams it is sometimes possible to forget that learning is not just taking examinations.

Our Lady's Abingdon has a reputation of academic excellence, as can be seen by its examination results, but also prides itself on the breadth of opportunities it gives its pupils.

This can take the form of extra-curricular activities, community service, Duke of Edinburgh or challenging treks to places like China and Nepal. As part of this OLA put itself forward for the International School Award.

The DCSF International School Award is supported by education departments across the UK.

It is an accreditation scheme for curriculum-based international work in schools and is open to all UK schools - both primary and secondary - free of charge. The international dimension in education is an increasingly important part of subject specifications across the curriculum.

In order to gain accreditation for the award it is necessary to compile a large portfolio of evidence - pupils work in all subjects and across each year group.

The ISA supports schools with a framework within which to work towards achieving the award.

In July 2008, OLA submitted their portfolio to the British Council. The "outstanding work done by the staff and pupils at OLA" to bring the wider world into the classroom and take the 'classroom' to the wider world, has been recognised by the awarding of the prestigious International School Award.

The school's international links have been firmly established through partnership with Maryhill High School in Uganda, the exchanges organised with schools in France and Spain, team challenging expeditions to Patagonia, China, Kenya and the continuing work in all subjects based on international themes.

Our Lady's Abingdon was one of only 586 schools in the UK to be recognised for the award last year.

Itwas presented at a high profile ceremony in London and the school is accredited for three years.

The school is proud to have embedded an international ethos throughout the school, as it believes that international links bring a vitally important dimension to the education of its pupils ensuring that they build the skills and understanding to become global citizens ready and able to take their place in the world.

The school is now developing collaborative curriculum based work with Maryhill, Uganda in art and science - in readiness for the next portfolio of evidence when they reapply in three years' time!

Promoting OLA as co-educational from 2009 will surely add a new dimension and further opportunities to develop international work.