The future looked bleak for Jardell Townsend when he was born.

The tot weighed just 2lb and had suffered a horrific brain bleed.

He wasn’t given long to live.

But out of the depths of despair has come hope, and now mum Hailey is preparing for her 18-week-old bundle of joy to finally come home.

What little Jardell has been through in his short time alive is hard to imagine: two brain operations and being hooked up to a life support machine.

But the battler has proved he has the strength to survive against all the odds.

Jardell will be brain damaged for the rest of his life and the effect that will have on him as he grows up is as yet unknown.

We wish him and his immensely strong mother all the best as they prepare to at last be a family, back home in Blackbird Leys.