Sir — Hugh Jaeger’s anti-Israel diatribe is based on more historical distortions that you could shake a stick at (Letter, September 26).

Let’s deal with just a few of them. First of all, during 1921-23 Britain removed 76 per cent of Palestine to create a new country, Trans-Jordan, from which Jews were barred — all this in breach of the original terms of the LoN mandate under which Britain ruled Palestine in the first place.

Then, in 1947, the UN specifically offered the Arabs of the remaining 24 per cent of Palestine self-determination by way of the Partition Plan; it was the Arabs who rejected this, nobody else.

The idea that 466,000 Jews ‘inhabit Palestinian land illegally’ is pure invention.

The Green Line was never an international border in the legal sense, but solely an armistice line; it ceased to exist in June 1967, when Jordan chose to launch an attack on Israel and thereby voided the 1949 Rhodes agreements.

Any attempt to keep Judea and Samaria Judenrein on the basis of such distortions as are contained in Jaeger’s letter, is bound to fail.

Isaac Szobel Steeple Aston