The steaks produced at White Pond Farm are taken from carcasses that have been hung for three weeks and are so tender that you can cut them with an ordinary knife. I bought sirloin steaks from the farm and cooked a red onion and wine sauce to go with them. This recipe will work from any Freedom Food steak of your choice.

YOU WILL NEED: Two steaks of your choice Three medium red onions — chopped small One clove garlic chopped fine 4 tbspns olive oil 1 tbspn balsamic vinegar Half wine glass of red wine, topped up with equal amount of beef stock.

Sprig of rosemary Salt and freshly ground black peppercorns to season.

METHOD: Heat the olive oil in a heavy-bottomed frying pan. Season and cook steaks to your liking when the oil begins to bubble. When cooked, remove from pan and keep warm.

Add the chopped onions and garlic to the juices in the pan and cook over a moderate heat until they begin to brown.

Pour in the balsamic vinegar and bring to high heat, allow to bubble until reduced by half and resembles a syrup.

Add the wine and stock, and place the spring of rosemary into the pan (this will add a delightful edge to the sauce’s flavour).

Boil up again and reduce by two thirds.

Remove the rosemary and adjust seasoning.

With a sharp knife, cut the steaks into thick slices and spoon sauce over each one.