After several years of trying for a baby and one failed attempt at fertility treatment, miraculously I found myself falling pregnant naturally. After an uneventful pregnancy I am now the proud mum of a 13 month year gorgeous baby girl called Darcy.

I decided to go back to work after just 6 months maternity leave, and after having found Darcy a nursery which she adores, managed to get back into my pre-pregnancy work clothes and getting my brain back into ‘adult’ mode, I threw myself back into work last October, only to find out that in February I was pregnant again after only 8 months! I went through a whole host of feelings ranging from excitement to panic from ‘Oh well, how hard can it be?’ to ‘Oh My God what have we done?’ It took me a few days to break the news to my husband Tim who was actually delighted with the news, we both always wanted another child but definitely not quite so soon, Darcy was just starting to become ‘easier’ sleeping through the night, eating well and really developing her personality and becoming fun, however we would be doing starting it all over again, endless nappy changes, regular feeding and a full nights sleep would once again become a dim and distant memory

We are both really looking forward to our imminent arrival and have already told Darcy and our 3 cats about the new addition who is due to join us in November, I’m now 25 weeks pregnant feeling well but definitely finding it harder work this time not because of my full time job but because I used to be able to go home, kick my shoes and use the excuse that I couldn’t do anything because I was so tired!! (Tim fell for it every time!) Now it’s a mad dash to get home and start work again with playing, feeding, bathing and putting Darcy to bed all before 8am if we’re lucky and we’re doing it all over again in November, we must be mad but we both know its all worth it!