Committee meeting last night and things look bright for the coming months for KBDG under the stewardship of out new Chair, Kate. Our Kate is a new broom bristling with new ideas.
We are even planning some social events in the shape of theatre trips and Aunt Sally. Sounds good to me. Our new website in continuing apace (full details and address shortly) and our children’s workshop is planned this year for September 13th and 14th.
The divine Emily was in attendance at the meeting in her position as Secretary scribbling enough notes to fill the Dead Sea Scrolls and our talented IT Tsar Rob presented his ideas for the website he is building and ideas to enhance our play programmes. So all in all things are going well, being a pessimist of course I am just waiting for someone to come along and b****r things up.
I am still receiving comments about my ‘heavy’ blog of two weeks ago. However I make no apologies, as politics are something I feel very strong about and the decline that has occurred in this country over the last ten years is a disgrace.
Well what else has happened this week? My bride and I have been away for a couple of days to Brighton and that was an eye opener I can tell you.
It’s been two years since I have been there and things have not changed for the better. Tired is the word that comes to mind, such a shame, but we did witness the Unison strikers marching through the town. I remember thinking I personally wouldn’t employ half of them.
Whoa…there I go again, I promise no more politics for several weeks.
Perhaps a few quickies to lighten things up:
A man spoke frantically into the phone:
'My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart'.
'Is this her first child?' the doctor asked.
'No!' the man shouted,
'This is her husband!'
Ah! The old ones are the best.
In California (where else?) Steven Richard King was arrested for trying to hold up a Bank of America branch without a weapon. King used a thumb and a finger to simulate a gun. Unfortunately, he failed to keep his hand in his pocket. (Hellooooooo)!
Back to things dramatical at Club Night on Tuesday we intend to start in earnest looking for our November play. Several suggestions have already been made to Emily, some about what plays we should be doing, and hopefully I can tell you more next week. Lance Bassett, News at Ten, Kingston Bagpuize.