It's been a while since my last entry - another trip to the hospital - long story, not interesting, glad it's all over.
But it means there has been loads going on with Littl'un that I haven't managed to get down yet and looking back she has changed so much, in just a few short weeks.
Physically she seems to have dropped about a stone.
I'm sure she won't mind me saying this, but she's always been a bit of a pork chop - chubby, arms, legs, cheeks - everything really - but she seems to be dropping weight and lengthening before my eyes.
Her Dad has been measuring her against the wall on her bedroom - not always easy, but she is indeed, shooting up.
Apparently someone told him that if you double your height on your second birthday, that will be your height as an adult.
"I don't get it," he said the last time he got out his tape measure. "That would make her five feet seven (taller than both of us.)
On Tuesday this week she had her nursery sports day. When I turned up she was clutching a ribbon (second in the egg and spoon race) and a gold medal made of hardened playdough.
(I cried a bit but I think I managed to get away with saying I had something in my eye.)
She now also chats like a nutter and shouts - a lot!
The other day I came in to find himself with a bemused look on his face. Apparently she'd spent about half an hour asking him for "mac grin". He didn't know what she was on about - she was getting more and more irate with him and then she went to the fridge and pointed at the semi-skimmed milk (mac) grin (with the green top). She had apparently decided to move on from full fat.
As she approaches her second birthday her daring also knows no bounds.
Swimming on Sunday she decided she didn't want to be caught when she jumped in, but threw herself off the side and came up spluttering and laughing her head off.
Meanwhile, talking of her upcoming birthday... I am getting excited about her party at the farm while her dad (who has been kept on a tight present-buying leash since Christmas) has only one mission in life - to co-ordinate her birthday gift list.
I've already mentioned the new toddler play mansion in the garden, well, you can now find him with his face buried in the Early Learning Centre most days and it's got so bad we've had words, something along the lines of:
Me: "I don't want you to go mad, she's still only little - I don't want her to be spoilt."
Him - "She won't be spoilt. She really needs the entire Little People range of toys, more cars, playdough, a kitchen, an easel etc etc etc..."
Me: %$£!"*
Him: "I can't hear you, I'm looking on the Early Learning Centre website."
- I can see the next few weeks are going to be quite interesting.
By the way, close friends of ours had twin girls yesterday - Lydia and Grace. They were born in the same hospital as Littl'un and it really brought it all back.
God I'm broody.