So England are not going to the European Championship finals next summer – not much of a surprise there and it’s not that which I’m going to comment on but the effects it had and will continue to have on a lot of people. Why should a team’s performance affect people so much? In a previous blog I talked about the sport versus arts debate. The value to a community, a country, in doing well and competing in sporting arenas, the pick me up factor, the sense of pride, can’t be underestimated. It is one way in which we test our achievements. To crib Arsene Wenger (Arsenal’s football team manager for those who don’t know) “...before it was war, now it’s sport” – we should maybe pass this on to politicians around the world as part of our collective New Year wishes! Of course, we will and have to get on with our lives (at least until June next year!)

Sporting dates and other major national and international events are an important part of the planning process when programming a venue – what will we be clashing, competing with? Not that one stops programming things because of them as there will always be clashes and not everyone is into the same things but it is important we know what those are and what might complement them.

As I begin to firm up plans for next year, the reflection on the past one highlighted that it has been a hard but successful year. Our redevelopment project has really stretched the organization yet we have come through the year having learnt many lessons and feeling proud of what we have achieved to date - not that we'll settle on our laurels.

A massive big thanks to all our staff, trustees and volunteers for the dedication and commitment shown and to all our participants and audiences for supporting us in many ways throughout the year. Hope all your dreams and wishes come true in the New Year. Have a great festive season and best wishes for a successful and rewarding 2008.