Chicken pox!
The ladies at the nursery said it was around and of course Littl'un is one of the first to come out in spots.
This explains the last few days of flu-type symptoms.
But despite sprouting more and more spots by the hour - she's already got more than a Year 10 Maths class - she seems ok.
She had a restless night. And has had a couple of hours sleep this morning, but now she's sitting in her high chair playing happily with her music box.
Have looked up all the gen on the internet and it looks like she's going have to be in 'quarantine' from other children for the next week.
So no nursery.
She's also going to get a lot more spots and the only thing we can give her is paracetemol and calamine lotion to stop the itching.
Just about to put her in the bath and give her a good slathering of cream.
Then apparently it'll be a case of sitting back and watching our little angel get spottier and spottier until the sports become cloudy and crust over.