So, from where I left off - the epidural is amazing! I know for next time to ask for one alot sooner!

I start pushing when the midwife says it's time, and she also asks husband to get our baby outfit out ready - it's all getting very close and exciting - the bit of sleep we've had and the lukozade I've been sipping is really helping - although I'm starving and really want chocolate but I'm not allowed anything, boo. The midwife puts the outfit on the radiator to warm up which is really sweet.

I start pushing but can't really feel anything and although I try my hardest for an hour and a half, our baby is quite happy where it is. I've been monitored throughout the labour and he or she hasn't been phased by anything!

At this time the baby has it's back to my back so really needs to turn around for an easier labour. A lady who's just done a course in turning babies (so we're told!)comes along but by this time the baby has moved position.

I can't remember if I've mentioned already but the midwives are completely amazing, so caring and calm, they make the whole process as relaxing as possible.

At this stage my waters have been broken for almost 24 hours so they want the baby out. A doctor comes and they decide that forceps will have to be used to get the baby out; this is something I really didn't want but the doctor advises that it's this or a C section so we give in pretty quickly - after a bit more frantic pushing to try and get baby out!

The forceps aren't very friendly looking but I can't feel anything and after a short time I start pushing again. The midwife says it'll probably be three or four more contractions to get the baby out, but after one or two our baby is born and placed straight onto my belly.

Touching our baby for the first time is overwhelming and we're very emotional. It's amazing.

I could feel the baby coming out as I pushed which was amazing. Husband is right by my side and managing to take photos too - which at the time didn't impress me much but now it's amazing to see the labour take place.

And, we have a gorgeous son! Noah William. We know as soon as we see him that he's a Noah. He's 6lbs, 7 3/4 oz, a good weight considering he's a month early, he would have been a big baby full term!

He's checked over and weighed after husband cuts the cord. All is well, and husband gets him dressed while I'm taken for a shower - already I think - not quite sure my legs will hold me up!

I make it there and back like a zombie and when I return the midwives are keen for me to feed Noah. He latches on but I've no idea what I'm doing!

My parents called about an hour or so ago looking for news so husband goes to call them and they arrive VERY shortly afterwards and come in to visit. I get quite emotional again, as do they as they meet their grandson.

I'm then moved to the ward and get settled. The midwives there are lovely and I'm encouraged to get some sleep while Noah does, I can't close my eyes though!

To whiz through the next 24 hours; I can't sleep, although I'm so spaced out, I just want to watch over Noah. My parents come back for visiting while husband pops home for supplies, am craving some time alone with husband and Noah.

We manage to get a private room and husband stays over which is great, I can't imagine being on my own. We doze and wake when Noah does and I feed him.

The next day I feel really over emotional, mainly due to lack of sleep - I'm worried whether I'll be a good mum and whether I'll enjoy it. Husband is fantastic and reassures me that I'll feel better once I've managed to sleep.

After various check ups and breakfast we're finally allowed to go home at lunchtime. A pediatrition looks Noah over as he has positional talipes in his right foot - it scared us silly when he was born as one foot was bent back against his leg. Already it's improving and apparently we just need to do some exercises with him.

So the adventure begins....our new life as a family.
More on the fist few weeks to come. We're madly in love with our baby son!